The one thing you should never lose sight of in business

I was confounded. Confused. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.

I had a recent professional experience that I can’t explain. A series of events that if I think too long and hard about them are actually quite depressing.

So I won’t go there.

What I will say is that a group I worked with lost sight of the big picture.

The big picture isn’t about you. It’s not about me. It’s definitely not about us and our group and our company and our success.

It’s not about our feelings and not being “heard” in our collaboration. It’s not our preconceived notions, or what we think about how we should be doing our jobs, or what we should be doing in our jobs. Sometimes our ideas aren't the best.

Sometimes the way we’ve been doing things, quite frankly, sucks. There’s a better way. A better product to be made. A better process. A better standard.

Whatever it is, don’t forget it’s about them. As in the clients.

It’s always about them.

It’s what we can do for our clients. What we can do to help them. How we can make things easier for them. Better for them. Simpler for them.

Make them stronger. Make them smarter. Make them more successful.

We do this together. We take individual strengths and make a team to help our client. Sometimes some members will have bigger sway in the group. Maybe they have more experience. Or better ideas.

Or maybe they just have grit. The ability to overcome any obstacle. Follow the person with grit.

Don’t get caught up in little team skirmishes. Always keep that big picture in front of you: It’s the client.

Make their organization better.

Elevate them and their brand.

Do it together.

Matt Sabo

Writer. Creator. Communicator.